What is a lifetime warranty? How long does a lifetime warranty last? What does a lifetime warranty cover? Most would think a lifetime warranty lasts forever and covers full replacement of the product covered. Most would be wrong.
In many cases, a lifetime warranty would guarantee the product for the useful life of said product. Maybe the seller determines that their product should only last 2 years. They would offer a lifetime warranty on their product but in the fine print it would say: we only guarantee this product for it’s useful life which is two years from the date of purchase and should be replaced thereafter.
Any company can offer a lifetime warranty as long as they state somewhere (fine print) what that warranty covers, what it doesn’t cover, and how long the warranty will last.
A lifetime warranty can mean whatever the seller wants it to mean as long as it is written in an area that is available to the consumer before they buy the product. So, be careful when you’re buying a product with a “lifetime” warranty. Lifetime does not mean your lifetime and every aspect of the product may not be covered. Read the fine print and make an informed decision when making a purchase.